For Applications we require:

Download our CHECKLIST

Time frame for approvals

Once lodged and paid your application will take around 3-4 weeks to have them certified. (Be aware this may vary with current work loads)

There is a fast track service available for an additional fee which processes your application within 3-4 days.

For a quote on your application please phone or email details of the application.

Once you have the approved plans?

You will receive 2 sets of approved plans back, please read carefully your decision notice (DN) as it has valuable information on it regarding expiry date etc. Now you can start construction work. You need to book inspections with Bonafide as per the DN either frame & final or just a final.  STANDARD ADVICE SHEET (2 pages)

Once the final inspection has been complete you must obtain certificates that the certifier has checked on this inspection & address any issues that certifier may have listed in the comment section. CERTIFICATES (1 page)

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